INSIGHT system is the ideal product to assess and monitor the fit of patients’ lower limb prosthetic socket in real-time enabling clinicians to deliver an improved fit more efficiently and to quickly replicate or make changes to patients’ prosthetic sockets. 

Clinical Guide

INSIGHT Workflow

Place INSIGHT Sensors inside the socket.

Place the socket with the Sensors inside the INSIGHT Digitizer.

On the INSIGHT App, select the Digitizer and start scanning.

While the Digitizer is working, add range of motion information

Test the socket on the patient and analyze the pressure map.

After the necessary adjustments, the patient will have a perfectly fitting socket

Basic principles of INSIGHT’S pressure data

To extract the most clinical value out of INSIGHT’s pressure acquisitions (static or dynamic), there are some basic principles to take into account: 

  • The displayed pressure is relative (to all INSIGHT Sensors present in the socket) rather than absolute.

  • Consequently, the colour coding is not quantitative but comparative.  

  • Pressure is being measured across the entire INSIGHT Sensor.

Static acquisition

The displayed pressure is relative (to all Sensors present in the socket), not absolute.

The colour coding is not quantitative, but comparative. Red does not necessarily mean “bad”, but merely “considerably more pressure than the lowest pressure being recorded”.  

After selecting a static acquisition, on the lateral selector, choose the “Unprocessed” view. 

In this view, the exact same data recorded during the acquisition can be played back, as if replaying a video. 

Dynamic acquisition

In a dynamic acquisition, additional data about the patient’s gait is collected by the INSIGHT Wearable and the INSIGHT Wearable IMU. This data is used to generate new views over the collected pressure data. 

The INSIGHT System automatically detects patient’s strides and turns. Inside each stride, it detects 5 gait phases:

  • Loading Response: the earliest stage of the stride, including ground contact at the heel. 

  • Midstance: body weight is fully over the amputated limb, with the foot in full ground contact. 

  • Terminal Stance: the body starts to be propelled forward as the heel leaves the ground. 

  • Pre-Swing: the latest stage of the stance, with the foot of the amputated limb barely touching the ground. 

  • Swing: the latest stage of the stride. The limb swings with no contact with the ground. Lasts until heel strike of the following stride.


Documentation files

Product Brochure

User Guide

Technical Specifications

INSIGHT Sample Report

Emissions Data

INSIGHT Sample 3D Model

Contact us

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