Motio Vacuum Pump

Microprocessor-controlled vacuum suspension system designed for seamless integration with lower limb prosthetic devices

EARLY 2024

The system provides an unmatched level of quietness during operation

Key Benefits

Automatic socket vacuum adjustment based on user activity

Empowers both CPOs and patients with access to an App, enhancing system control

Waterproof (IP67 rated) & Wireless charging system

A microprocessor-controlled vacuum system that provides a seamless integration with the prosthetic device.

The automated vacuum system dynamically regulates pressure in the prosthetic socket based on the user activity and his needs.

For lower limb prosthetic users who desire control over their socket and a physical connection to improve comfort.

Patient app mode allows control over their prosthetic device that provides quick access to vacuum level, step count and rate.

“Water Mode” allows the patient to adjust the vacuum level and submerse the device safely when ready.

Looking for a new active vacuum suspension?

Get in touch to know how we can help you.

The clinicain has real-time graph illustrating changes in the socket vacuum in response to the user’s activity.

The clinician app mode allows the provider the fine-tune the vacuum intensity to suit different levels of physical activity.

Searching for a new active suspension solution for your patients?

Contact our clinical specialists.

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