Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month – April 2024

Every April, we celebrate Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month (LLLDAM), a time dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges faced by amputees and individuals with limb differences. At Adapttech, we are committed to supporting this cause and providing innovative solutions to enhance the lives of those affected.

Prosthetic user walking

Limb loss and limb difference have a big impact on an individual's life, affecting mobility, independence, and overall well-being. As you might already know, Adapttech has the mission to revolutionize prosthetic care through technology and innovation. We believe that everyone deserves access to advanced prosthetic solutions that enhance comfort, functionality, and quality of life.

That's why we continue to develop unique products designed to address the unique needs of prosthetic users, such as the Motio Functional Reports. This innovative system utilizes real-world data to provide valuable insights into a patient's daily activities, allowing clinicians to make more informed decisions about their prosthetic components and care.

As we commemorate Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month, we are proud to support this community and pledge to develop innovative solutions to improve their quality of life. Together, we can create a more inclusive and accessible world for all.

If you are a CPO or clinic owner, don’t forget you can quickly order your Motio Functional Reports on our online store by clicking here and start enhancing your prosthetic care journey. Our team is available to schedule a call to clarify any questions you might have, please contact us at


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